Do you take insurance?
Yes. Insurances accepted include Pacificsource, Providence, MODA (coming soon), Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Optum, Cigna, United Healthcare, and OHP.
Do you provide telehealth appointments?
We do not. We believe assessment and care is best provided in person.
Do you treat children?
Yes. We see patients 12 and up.
Do you prescribe controlled substances?
Prescribing controlled substances is up to your provider’s discretion. Your provider understands that controlled substances are sometimes warranted to manage mental health conditions and have open conversations with patients about both benefits and risks of these medication.
Where is your office located?
We are located in the heart of Eugene at the Broadway Commerce Center on the second floor in Suite 226. We have ADA access and elevators are available, Street parking is available and there are a number of free parking garages very close to the office building. Please call the office ahead of time if transportation is a concern and our team can help you make it to your appointment smoothly.